The birth of a baby is a momentous event in the life of a family and you may like to baptism-1024x683think about marking this with a ceremony of some sort. This can either be through baptism or through another form of naming ceremony.

Baptism – (sometimes used to be called Christening, especially for a young baby.)
Baptism is a sacrament which can be celebrated at any time of a person’s life. Baptism reminds us all of, and invites us all into, the grace of God – grace which is there even before we say ‘yes’ to God’s love for us.
Baptism symbolises trust that God’s grace surrounds and nourishes your child throughout his/her life. It symbolises belonging to the Church, as represented by the congregation which gathers here. Promises are made by parents, sponsors and the congregation to bring your child up in the Christian faith.
For some parents, it is important that this outward ceremony of inclusion in the Church, takes place early in the child’s life, while others prefer to wait until the child is old enough to make their own decision about this important step of faith.

Where does Baptism take place?
Because baptism marks the inclusion of your child in the Christian community, here at St Paul’s baptism takes place at a regular Sunday worship service, where the community of faith expresses their love and support for the one receiving their baptism and their family.

What about Godparents?
It is often good to include ‘godparents’ or sponsors – people who will take a special interest in the faith journey of the child throughout his/her life. If no-one comes to mind, one of the elders of the parish would be happy to be a sponsor for your child.

Another option for celebrating the birth of your child is a blessing, naming, dedication or welcoming ceremony. This might or might not be a specifically religious ceremony, but it will be a significant milestone in the life of your family. Parents and friends (and possibly the church congregation) make their commitments to welcome the child/children to the world, and to express their love and support to the child/children as they grow up. Such a ceremony may take place as part of a regular Sunday service, or it may be held at home or in another place which has meaning for the family. Again, special people may be included in the ceremony who have a significant role in your child’s life.

Planning a Ceremony
If you would like to plan a ceremony for your child, please contact Rev Sally Carter, the minister here at St Paul’s. She can be reached by email at or at the office 06 835 5359 or on her mobile 027 508 0238.

Children are welcome in the life of our parish!
• Music and Movement Tuesday 9.30am.
• Children are welcome at our services. Activities are provided to help get through any boring bits!
• Seasonal ‘Messy Church’ services from time to time.

We look forward to welcoming your child into the world and your family into the life of this parish.