Today’s service is the third in Advent
Follow this link to view the Order of Service
Prayer Pointers this week
1. We pray for ourselves: that we may be refreshed by the real presence of Christ coming in our midst this advent.
2. We pray for our country and its peoples, in the midst of this season of tinsel and consumer frenzy, that deeper yearnings we are seeking to fill or cover over, are not forgotten, sparking more important questions and search for transcendent meanings.
3. We pray for our companion city church, St John’s Cathedral and its dean, Rev Di Woods.
Christmas Eve 9pm with a cuppa and mince pies from 8.30pm. Here at St Paul’s. Advertising is out in the city, and on Facebook. We could have a crowd so we are looking for volunteers to help on the night, to assist Janice and her catering team, ushers to guide the crowd and a couple of bouncers to help with security!