Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ
We are thinking of each one of you as we navigate this ever changing landscape of COVID19. Our commission is to care for people so it is with much sadness and after deep, prayerful thought that Session has decided that worship will not held in St Paul’s for the foreseeable future. This is not a panic response, but a considered response to the health both of our own community of faith and the wider community. There will also be no gatherings in the church buildings for meetings, groups or other events.
Our Moderator Fakaofo Kaio encourages us to ‘look to Jesus’ words for comfort: “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). While many things have been cancelled by the Coronavirus, love has not, and I urge you to take all practical steps to care for yourself and others.’
The Government’s requirement is that physical distancing is the best way to protect the most vulnerable members of our society and, as you all know, many of our congregation are vulnerable for all sorts of reasons. Many members of our congregation are living in isolation in their homes and in lockdown in their resthomes so will be experiencing even greater isolation and loneliness.
Although we are practising this isolation and physical distancing we will do all that we can to stay connected socially.
- A team will be formed whose job is to develop and communicate our response to COVID19
- Our services will be livestreamed through our Facebook page
- We will email you regularly with a short reflective devotion
- We will be regularly phoning those without email or internet
- We encourage you to pause in prayer at 7.00pm as often as you can. Sally says “Yes, I will miss a few minutes of Shortland St to pray with you.” You might like to light a candle at this time.
In the meantime, know that you are surrounded by our prayers and those of the rest of the St Paul’s family and the wider church community. “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5
With prayerful blessings,
Sally and Lynne