St Paul’s Presbyterian Church is celebrating 160 years of life and mission in Napier.  From its first beginnings in 1858 when four men met in Daniel Munn’s Royal Hotel, the people of St Paul’s have been a faithful community of salt and light in central Napier and in the suburbs.

The first church building was built in 1868 – 150 years ago. st-pauls-first-church-1868
The beloved 1868 church burned down in 1929 and the new brick church was just about to open when the earthquake struck in 1931.  It survived the earthquake, but was destroyed in the subsequent fire which swept through the town.  The ‘temporary church’ which was completed just 6 months after the earthquake remains as part of the present sanctuary – recently strengthened against further shaking.  Various additions on several sites have been made over the years reflecting the changing ways in which church life and community life intersect.

Celebrating 160 years in the city is a reminder of all the connections we have with one another in our community.

leaving-st-paulsWhen people come through the door to make a booking, or arrange a practice on the grand piano, or just to look around, they often share their connections with the parish.  ‘My parents were married here’, ‘I was christened here’, ‘I remember when the church was round the other way’, ‘I was in the choir’, ‘I’m in that photo of the Queen’s visit’.

Perhaps you carry memories and stories of the Miller Memorial Congregational Church in Carlyle St, or St Peter’s in Napier West or St David’s in Napier South (all of which eventually joined to become St Stephen’s in Onekawa in 1973).  All of these threads are woven together in the life of St Paul’s parish.

Maybe you used to go to Busy Bees, or Boy Scouts, or Girls’ Brigade or Bible Class.  Maybe your parents made you come to Sunday School.  Or maybe you marched down the hill from Napier Girls’.  Maybe you were in that stirring production of Abraham with the other churches of the Inner City Covenant.  Maybe you played badminton up in Asher Hall.  Maybe you do karate, or rehearse with the Civic Choir, or maybe you have enjoyed a concert in the Church building.  Perhaps you have just begun to weave your story into the story of the parish.

We thought it would be good to celebrate those connections.  It would be great if you could come! There will be a relaxed service on Sunday morning October 14th at 10:30am to reconnect with one another and with God.  Then there will be plenty more time to enjoy photos and conversation over a light catered lunch.