Mystic Thomas Merton comes up with a very challenging thought for me:
‘Every person becomes the image of the God they adore.’

What thoughts does that give rise to in your mind? I think of the Westboro Baptist Church preaching hatred to the extent that they are picketing judgement on the nation of Norway in the wake of the tragic shootings. What sort of God gives rise to that image?

I think of a young woman I knew with Williams Syndrome who poured out so much love that it was readily apparent what the God she adored was like.

We observe Jesus grappling with this challenge in the story of the Syro-Phoenician woman which we will hear this Sunday. It is in Matthew 15:10 – 28. Have a read and see what you think might be going on here. (There are lots of possibilities!). I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

All blessings,
